Outdoor Group Training Ideas
Nothings better then training a huge group of insanely motivated people on a cool summer night in the park I grew up playing in! Tonight this group of Adrenaline Junkies kicked it up a notch with some sprints, 45 sec. interval drills and 10 minutes of non stop plank exercises. They don’t mess around they are here for a reason and push and motivate everyone around them. I truly am honoured to train them each week and I look forward to every workout ahead of us.
As for being a trainer I am constantly trying to find new ways to kick their butts and help them reach the goals they have set. Talking about ‘Goal Setting’ with your clients is super important. Setting some small goals with them each week can really help them stay on track, even adding in little challenges for them can be very helpful. Maybe tell them to do 100 pushups a day for 7 days, we have a tone of these weekly challenges you can share with your clients.
So in this video I’ll show ya a few things we did in class tonight, they really felt the .45 second interval set we did.
Here’s the breakdown: .45 seconds of each drill through for 3 sets with a 1 min. plank hold in between each set.
- Quick feet (on a line)
- Tucks (big ones, no slacking)
- Navy Seal Pushups
- Power Jack Squats